Join our Team - Employment Application Form

Centre Assistant

We are looking for a part time centre assistant / groom for our therapeutic equestrian centre 

Many thanks for your interest in joining the Equine Learning team. Our current vacancies are listed above, with an application pack detailing each vacancy.. If you have any questions about current vacancies please email [email protected]
If you have read through the vacancy details and would like to apply for a position at Equine Learning CIC please fill in the application form below. Your details will be treated with the strictest confidence. Please note: you will need to answer every question with a star next to it to be able to submit your application form. We recommend that you write long answers to questions in another application and copy and paste them to this form, as it can time out.  If you have an impairment or difficulty where you need assistance to complete this form, or you need assistance with any other part of our employment process, please contact us
Data Protection: By providing the information contained within this application form, you are consenting to its use for the purpose of processing your application, assessing your performance in the future (should your application be successful) and monitoring the efficiency of our recruitment and other employment procedures. We reserve the right to validate all information entered on this form. If your application is unsuccessful, your details will be retained for six months. By completing and submitting this application form you agree to the following:  

DECLARATION: I declare that the information contained in this form is true and complete. I understand that it
will be treated as part of any subsequent contract of employment. I understand that if it is then discovered that any statements are false or misleading I will be liable to have my application disqualified or subsequently will be liable to be dismissed from Equine Learning CIC’s employment.

Application Form
  • Start Date:
  • End Date:
  • Previous Employment 1: Start Date:
  • Previous Employment 1: End Date:
  • Previous Employment 2: Start Date:
  • Previous Employment 2: End date:
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